
Though plenty people like me go away and stay away, it is never because we absolutely hate Trinidad. There aren’t that many people that actually hate Trinidad. Come on. For me, and many others, it is that passion that is inbred in us as Trinis that make us want to explore. And it is that same passion that will bring us back to our roots when we have become jaded by the lack of energy and vibrancy in first world countries, especially in their major metropolitan cities. Continue reading …Trinidadian

… poorly led by men

What if many, attributing the success of these men to all things including their habits and ways of thinking, adopt those things for themselves also? What if the world was made of people that did tremendous things in the public but horrible things in private? What if the world was made of people who did amazing things 90% of the time but horrible things 10% of the time? Continue reading … poorly led by men