
God’s Reward Equation is Nothing Like The World’s

Once a lady came up to me for prayer at church and told me she didn’t believe she had any talents and felt like her life was purposeless. At the time, the focus of my prayer was on her discovering her talents and gifts and stepping into her purpose regarding those. In contrast, I have recently felt that I am good at many things but not excellent at anything. I have been just as desperate as she was in desiring to be purposeful in my talents and gifts, equally in despair because I felt like I had so many tools yet have produced so little with them. Continue reading “excellent”


It’s About Time to Embrace and Face Failure

‘We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.’ Roman’s 5:3-4

This is a story I have told many, many times. It’s the one where I had to pass a fitness test to be able to start the first game of my university football team. Until this day, I have never passed this test. Once I came extremely close, within seconds of passing it. Instead of pushing myself over the line though, I slowed down. I slowed down because my legs were hurting a little more than I was willing to endure. This epitomises my life. More often than not, if not most of the time, I slow down, stop and turn around, when it gets too hard. Continue reading “ungritty”